Amrita Bazar Patrika | 18 February, 1940 | Page 14
The seventh anniversary of the late Mr Manmothonath Ganguli, Attorney-at –Law,Late Deputy Register, High Court, original side, and Honorary Municipal Magistrate Cosipur Branch, Corporation of Calcutta, the famous amateur ostad of “Tabla” was held at the house of late Tarak Chandra Bose at no 10 Raja Nabakissan Street, Sovabazar, Calcutta, on Saturday last the 10th February 1940, under the presidency of Mr Nirmal Chandra Chatterjee, M.A., B.L, P.R.S, Barrister-at –Law, Secretary, All India Hindu Mahasabha. Distinguished amongst those present were Mr. N. Ghatak, M.B.E, Barrister-at-Law, Official Referee and Master, High Court, Calcutta, Mr. K.L. Mitra Attorney-at –Law, Deputy Register, High Court, Calcutta, Deputy Register High Court, Mr. Sachindra Nath Banerjee, Assistant Master and Referee,High Court, Mr. M.B. Dasgupt, Attorney-at –Law, Assistant Register,High Court, Mr. M.N. Sen Solicitor, Mr. Probhat Ghose, Solicitor, Mr. Sarat Kumar Mitra, Advocate, Mr. P.K. Banerjee, Advocate, Mr. Sudhir Chandra Roy Chowdhuri, Attorney-at –Law, Councillor, Calcutta Corporation, Mr. Mrigendra Kumar Mazumder, Coucillor, Calcutta Corporation, Dr. Bhupendra Nath Basu Councillor, Calcutta Corporation, Mr. Bhupendra Krishna Ghose, Mr Upendra Nath Ganguli, Mr. B.N. Basu, Mr. J.P. Ghose, Mr Haripada Chatterjee and others.
Speeches eulogizing the many sided qualities of the head and heart of Manmotho Babu specially his unostentatious life, and literally silent charities were made by Messrs Asutosh Chaudhuri, Anil Kumar Roy, Jagadindra Nath Bhattacharya , Upendra Nath Ganguli, Editor, ”Bichitra” and Mr. K.L. Mitra, Deputy Registrar, High Court. The President in a brilliant speech feelingly referred to the personal knowledge that he had of the deceased at the High Court. He charecterized Monmotho Babu as a true Brahmin, who combined in him all the qualities of a real Brahmin. The speaker further opined that in Monmotho Babu one could see a living example of what music can make of a man – to what height of ennoblement a man can be raised by being a true votary of music. In the opinion of the speaker, the rare qualities Monmotho Babu were really the result of his lifelong devotion to music and Bengal will remember him long not only as a true “Sadhak” of music but as the father of the revival of classical music in all its branches and truly will his memory live longer through his worthy son Hirendra Kumar Ganguli, Attorney-at –Law, who is an All-India figure in the domain of music and of whom Bengal is really proud.
Thereupon followed the musical soiree which formed the principal feature and chief source of attraction to the music loving Calcutta public. Amongst those who took part in the demonstrations were Mr. Rabindra Nath Roy (Vandemataram song), Mr. Gopal Banerjee(Dhrupad), Prof. Satcowriedas Malakar (Kheyal), Mr. Sudhindra Nath Mazumder (Kheyal), Mr. Jamini Kumar Ganguly (Kheyal), Mr. Krisna Chandra Dey (Kheyal), Pandit Ram Kissen Missra (Kheyal), Mr. Tarapada Chakraborty (Kheyal), Master Ranen Das (Kheyal & Thumri) Mr. Shyam Kumar Ganguly (Sawrode), Mr Radhika Mohan Moitra (Sawrode), Mr Paresh Bhattacharyay(Tabla), and Surendra Nath Dass.
The disciples of Late Mr. Ganguly had reasons to congratulate themselves on the grand success of the function which terminated Late in the morning of the 11 th instant at 6 A.M.
“Amrita Bazar Patrika [Daily]. Vol: 72; Issue:48 (18 February 1940).” Accessed October 21, 2016. http://eap.bl.uk/database/large_image.a4d?digrec=4262614;catid=226617;r=491.
Identified by Rajeswary Ganguly Banerjee, Research Fellow
Data processed at SAP-DRS Lab, Department of Instrumental Music, Rabindra Bharati University.